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Top 5 Morning of Tips for Bridesmaids to Help Keep the Bride Stress-Free

Writer: Jessalyn Bold Hearts Jessalyn Bold Hearts

Updated: Aug 5, 2024

Tips from a hairstylist.

Bride with her bridesmaids
Photographer: Kasey Ivan

Bridesmaids this one is for you! Here are my top 5 morning of tips to keep everything going smoothly and stress-free on the big day. Read on to ensure the bride's big day starts off right!

Tip # 1 - Show Up On Time

Showing up late is just going to stress the bride out. Showing up on time or even early is a must. Also find out ahead a time if the bride wants everyone to hang out in the bridal suite or if she just wants one person at a time to come in when it is their time to get their hair done.

Tip # 2 - Come To Your Time Slot With Your Hair Prepped

Do not come to your time slot with dirty hair. Dirty hair holding a style better is a myth. Come to your time slot with clean, dry, and detangled hair. Wash your hair the night before unless you have curly hair, then you can wash your hair the day of so you can set your curls. However make sure you are later in the schedule to ensure your hair has time to dry. Bring a diffuser just in case your hairstylist doesn't bring one to finish drying.

Hair Extensions: If you want to use your clip-ins with your hairstyle please makes sure they are clean, dry, and completely brushed out, knot free.

Tip # 3 - Have An Inspo Photo Ready

Decide what hairstyle you want the night before. Do not wait till the day of. See if the bride has any guidelines on what hairstyles to get and see what the other bridesmaids are getting to help you decide. Having your inspo picture ready on your phone saves time on the day of.

Tip # 4 - Do Not Ask For The Same Hairstyle As The Bride

Yes this has happened several times and yes they knew what hairstyle the bride was getting. Please don't be this person. I will talk for myself as a hairstylist when I say this but I think the bride should have her own hairstyle that no one else in the party has. I will tell you no and have you pick a different hairstyle.

Tip # 5 - Be A Hype Girl!

I don't care if your hangover from the night before, hate your dress, your ex is gonna be at the wedding, etc. Remember it is not your day. So keep a smile on your face and bring all the good vibes. Offer the bride a glass of champagne, be the bridal party DJ, take the lunch order, and have fun!

Hairstylist Jessalyn doing hair
Photographer: K&L Photography

Follow all these tips and I guarantee you will make the bride very happy. Until next month.

Creatively, Jessalyn

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Portsmouth NH Hairstylist/Owner Of Bold Hearts Studio.


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